
Property Deal Genie

Property Deal Genie is a real estate market analysis tool for individual investors in the UK. It helps to find prospective areas and evaluate available property listings. The application is rich in nearly 60 metrics that are used to visualize price trends and other property and market characteristics including socio-economic data.

  • #saas
  • #app
  • #desktop
  • #analytics
  • #uk
  • #investment

Competitor analysis confirmed that there was a space in the UK market for an affordable real estate analysis tool that could be used by individual investors. Our first task was user research to find out what real expectations were. Which features should be included? What metrics were users interested in? How to facilitate analysis and decision-making?


We quickly identified the most apparent user needs and challenges and used these as the basis for surveys and user interviews. We found and confirmed with the client that we could build the system using only residential properties due to limited investor demand for commercial properties. This approach saved substantial time, budget and resources across the board.

User Research - UX Design | Property Deal Genie User Experience Design Problems - UX Design | Property Deal Genie Competitor Analysis - UX Design | Property Deal Genie Usability Research - UX Design | Property Deal Genie Moodboard - UX Design | Property Deal Genie Logo Design Process - UX Design | Property Deal Genie Final Logo Design - UX Design | Property Deal Genie Typography - UX Design | Property Deal Genie Interactive Prototype - UX Design | Property Deal Genie High Fidelity Prototype - UX Design | Property Deal Genie Mockups - UX Design | Property Deal Genie Web Design - UX Design | Property Deal Genie

Impact & value
  • 19.4%
    Investors who preferred using map overlays for their analysis
  • 29.2%
    Investors whose primary goal was to evaluate a property they would consider for investment
  • 33.3%
    Investors who buy or sell 1 or 2 properties a year
  • 22.6%
    Investors for whom ROI calculation was a critical feature

Was it worth it?

We were looking for a UX designer when we decided to work with Systems for Humans. What we quickly found was that not only did they deliver on exceptional user experience, but they also understood our business needs and delivered a developer-friendly solution that ended up streamlining the entire project and actually saving development time.

Alex JawadCEO at Property Deal Genie
Alex Jawad
User Interface Design - UX Design | Property Deal Genie